On October 29th, 2018, Marcus was struck by another vehicle while riding to work on his customized 2001 Heritage Softail Classic. Because of another’s negligence toward motorcyclists, Marcus was seriously injured and the bike (Marcus’ first major purchase with his wife, Anna) was totaled. While Marcus has suffered life-altering injuries, he is certainly one of the lucky ones to have survived. Marcus, having ridden a bike since he was 15 and befriending motorcyclists in all walks of life across many states, has always been an advocate for motorcycle safety and awareness; more than one of us has heard him proclaim, “loud pipes save lives” and he has gifted a bell to so many.
Here at Kustom Hustle Tattoo Parlor, we are proud to have a wonderful crew of artists and employees that are selfless and always ready to reach out to another at any time. We have been so fortunate to have built this great shop supported by fantastic customers, friends and families and want to say “thank you” in a very public way. Over the course of the next year we want to make a large effort to give back by supporting projects, groups and the like that are dear to each of us somehow.
We are hoping all you Hustlers out there can help make this initial project a huge success.
As always, your friends at Kustom Hustle Tattoo Parlor thank you!
March 2020
The Ocular Melanoma Foundation
Well done, Hustlers! For the month of February, Chris has been able to earmark just over $1000 that will go to the American Heart Association. Thanks for sharing the love!
We continue our year of giving in March with Michael Ferrera. His donation recipient of choice will be The Ocular Melanoma Foundation. Michael’s mother, Lynn, had ocular irregularities during a routine eye exam in May 2017. After being referred to a specialist, it was discovered that she had 2 tumors on the iris of her eye. After treatment, she was found cancer free December of 2018.
To learn more about ocular melanoma and what this organization does, click here…http://www.ocularmelanoma.org/. Michael will be donating 20% of his earnings in March to help this very worthy cause.
February 2020
American Heart Association
February is American as well as National Heart Month. Our very own Chris Norrell lost his grandfather at the age of 66 and his father at 41 due to heart disease and it’s complications. Because of this, Chris has made a personal effort annually for many years to support the American Heart Association. The funding the AHA receives directly supports research that has improved and lengthened the life of Chris’ own father-in-law, as well as countless others.
February is also Chris’ birthday month. The team here at Kustom Hustle has decided to continue our Year of Giving by donating 20% of all proceeds earned by Chris during the month of February to the American Heart Association. Click here to learn more!
October 2019
The Georgia Down Biker Fund, Inc.
To kick off our “Year of Giving”, Marcus will be donating 25% of his earnings during the month of October to The Georgia Down Biker Fund, Inc.
Just a few days after Marcus was injured, Kathy (CEO and CFO of this 501-C-3 charity), reached out to him to see how they could help. While he was not in need of their assistance, he was touched by their efforts toward him in what was a very stressful time. The donation will be providing much needed funds to continue to support injured bikers and their families locally and across the state of Georgia.
To follow their efforts, go to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/downbikerfund/.