Search Results for: @csnorrell

Chris Norrell

Chris Norrell was born of a virgin in a small town in rural Georgia. His Mother learned quickly that her boy needed art to keep his restless mind at work. She did this by giving him endless supplies of crayons, paper, pencils and encouragement. Without these distractions, Chris was prone to setting things on fire and creating mischief. Art filled his days and nights until he was accepted to Young Harris College on scholarship at 18 years old. He earned a degree in Fine Art and set forth into the world. While in the world he did many jobs and mastered many skills. At age 30 he began the most challenging part of his artistic career, learning to tattoo. Today, with 13 years of tattooing experience behind him he works with Master Tattooer Marcus Dove at Kustom Hustle Tattoo . He enjoys tattooing plants, animals, flowers and many other classical subjects. Chris also spends a great deal of his free time painting and drawing non tattoo art as well. Chris works 5 days a week. He is off on Sundays and Mondays. @csnorrell

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